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Whether you’re preparing a garment for a drawer, a suitcase or a weekend bag, proper shirt storage is key. That means folding in such a way that things are kept neat, especially while traveling.

Proper shirt storage is always key.

  1. Lay the shirt down, ensuring it is smooth. To help you, place a piece of A4 paper or a magazine on the back, just below the collar.
  2. Fold over the first side, behind the collar and alongside the paper.
  3. Fold in the sleeves, repeat on the opposite side.
  4. Now fold it twice, start from the bottom and then in the middle.
  5. Turn the shirt over. With a bit of practice, it should be easy to achieve a smooth front. Once you get this, it’ll be ready to go into your bag and emerge in great shape.

Being able to expertly fold a shirt not only minimizes creases and makes best use of the space in your case. It also means that you’re ready to do a quick change and get going the minute you reach your destination.